Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

August 28, 2019

10 Weight Loss Motivation Pictures That Will Inspire You on Your Weight Loss Journey

Weight loss motivation pictures have helped so many depressed people who quite right see results early not to quit. This increases their focus and keeps them on track.

We all want to have six pack abs, a low body fat percentage, and the muscle definition of a professional athlete. But getting the motivation to do so can be tough, and depressing when you don’t see any results.

So the question is, how do you get motivated to lose weight when you’re depressed from seeing zero results?

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May 07, 2019

7 Important Things To Do Before Having A Huge Meal

Huge meal is good to have sometimes but it has bad effect to the health especially in your weight loss journey. For it not to affect you, follow these are 7 important things to do before having a huge meal.

1. Trying to lose weight?

During weight loss journey, people are generally advised to cut down on unhealthy food items or avoid them totally. But at times you cannot say no to family outings or having dinner dates with your friends, after all socializing is still very important. Most people go crazy before their big meal day. They spend extra time on the treadmill, starve themselves throughout the day so that they can have whatever they want when they go out. But let us tell you that these tricks really do not work and people often end up consuming more calories, thereby ruining their entire weight loss plan.

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April 02, 2019

Here Is How This Software Engineer Lost 14 kilos In Less Than 20 days

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with the weighing scale! While a lower number brightens up our day, an upward reading on the scale can put us on an over drive. A similar thing happened with 24-year-old engineer, Kunal, who was shocked to see number 96 on the scale, which he was clearly not expecting. Despite being athletic, poor lifestyle choices gave him weight troubles. But, not letting his spirits down, he used this incident to make positive changes in his lifestyle to get fitter for better. That too in 45 days! To know some of his super secrets, read his transformation story here:

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How Much Fat You Should Lose, If You Have These Body Shapes

Losing weight is a tough ordeal but even tougher is finding the right diet, regime and workout which suits your body. We all have a different body shape and it is very crucial that you work in sync with it. Your body shape is determined by the fat concentration in your body. Once you know what body shape you have, you can lose weight accordingly.

How to identify your body shape

We all have some fat on our body. It is distributed all over the body but there are certain parts where it is more visible. Some of us have it around our chest or the mid-section, making our body shaped like an apple while some have fat around the belly and the thigh area, giving rise to the famous pear-shaped body.

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You Will Smack Your Weighing Machine After Knowing This Weight Loss Tips!

While obesity is one of the biggest problems globally, most of us start over-obsessing with the weighing machine, making it a toxic relationship.

Weighing yourself and keeping a track of your weight loss progress is a good thing but obsessing about the number on the scale is not such a good idea. Researches prove that it can even hamper your weight loss progress. What you need to understand is that losing weight is a slow, gradual process and it just doesn't happen so easily. Thus, seeing the number on the scale is not the only weight loss victory you should be aiming at. People are slowly understanding the concept and letting go of their obsession with the weighing machine. It is one of the most dangerous obsessions and when you don't see the number changing, it has repercussions on your mental well-being. It can be as bad as depression!

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This Perfect Duration Of Sleep Will Make You To Lose Weight Fast

Diet and exercise are surely the two most important keys to lose weight, but they are not the only thing. There are certainly other things that you can try to intensify your weight loss process and sound sleep is one of them.

Poor sleep quality not only increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, but it is one of the causes of obesity. In fact, poor sleep quality is a major risk factor for weight gain.

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