September 19, 2016


 With a life already well spent, the climax of ones progeny is about been immeasurable. Born into a slum, his life was not influenced by the ostracity of his background, putting off every garment of discouragement backwardness, discrimination and addiction. This Negro has picked up a mantle of leadership, responsibility and service. A gargantuan in all ramifications has made me put pen on paper and he could be no one else but Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson, a hero of
Inestimable worth.

Starting from his lowly background in Detroit, U.S.A, he stood above all odds despite in-experiencing the joy of fatherhood, not forgetting his mothers incessant care due to mental issues.
Best referred to as a dunce, dullard, lurk head, someone who was potential redundant in
his early days. All this and more were short-lived due to an inexplicable success serum administered to him at birth by the divine doctor (GOD).

A father and a mentor to many, a true leader and resource, he broke limits and bounds due to the activation of this God-given injection.

He gave the Negros an edge, brought the black race into the limelight, and gave us an exact definition of blazing the trail. As much as I kept looking up to his past records as a source of motivation , I got the greatest arterial pressure of my life when I heard him declare his
political ambition , of course this is not ordinary  I thought aloud.

A record breaker and a history maker, hallucination was an understatement to what I felt that moment. A chief of pediatric neuron-surgery, a giver and lender to mankind. This divine failure antidote flowing in his blood vessels further brought him out of his medical shell to expand his tentacles to the clarion call of a deteriorating polity. He picked up the U.S Presidential form under the umbrella of the Republican Party where he finds himself contesting with a famous billionaire Donald Trump who asserts the stance of an average Republican. Gentle meek and humble are not enough words to describe this epitome of impeccable identity.

But what struck my myocardium the most was for what reason exactly did he come under the Republican? With the speed of light I got a clue which was a trace into history. Woodrow Wilson a vibrant Republican president who had to diverge from his treading path to result into democratic diplomacy, not forgetting Abraham Lincoln a supernurmery icon who was as well a Republican, so who says this one out of a million gem is not here for peace, social security, economic development and international upliftment of the supposedly greatest sovereign state in the universe? I deem it fit to say he is like a post-embryonic phalanges in iron gloves, weird! But I strongly believe the supernatural drip passed through his subcutaneous vessels before
he was a zygote is of course leading him in creating a glowing haven of a desperate polity.

Many people say its out of his selfish will, some say he just want to give a try, others say let us wait for the outcome but I say its a congenital fortune.

God bless Nigeria
God bless the United States
God bless Ben Carson

Borokinni Joshua Boffin

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Anonymous said...

Nice one boffin. Set the ink on fire.

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