April 02, 2019

Here Is How This Software Engineer Lost 14 kilos In Less Than 20 days

Most of us have a love-hate relationship with the weighing scale! While a lower number brightens up our day, an upward reading on the scale can put us on an over drive. A similar thing happened with 24-year-old engineer, Kunal, who was shocked to see number 96 on the scale, which he was clearly not expecting. Despite being athletic, poor lifestyle choices gave him weight troubles. But, not letting his spirits down, he used this incident to make positive changes in his lifestyle to get fitter for better. That too in 45 days! To know some of his super secrets, read his transformation story here:

Name: Kunal Vohra

Occupation: Specialist Software Engineer

Age: 24

Highest weight recorded: 96.7 kilos

Weight lost: 14.8 kilos

Duration it took me to lose weight: 45 Days

The turning point: I weighed myself randomly and found out I was about to hit 100 on the scale! That scared me. From that day on, I decided to make a big change and lose weight.

My breakfast: My day starts with a glass of nimbu paani which I have with honey. Then, for my breakfast, I usually have something like a veggie omelette or hard boiled eggs with milk.

My lunch: Since I love eating chicken, I have 100-200 gms of tandoori chicken with brown rice for my lunch usually.

My dinner: Dinner is usually light and easy. I have 3 tawa rotis and a bowl of daal. Everything is prepared using desi ghee in my home. I also have some milk before I hit the bed.

I indulge in: Parathas and Chicken Wraps but promise myself to gym hard next day

My workout: I workout in the morning as well as the evening. I go to the gym where I do cardio for at least 45-50 mins. At night, I play badminton for an hour before going to bed. Working out in some fresh air also helps me sleep better.

Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Poha has become my favourite go-to snack. It is so healthy and low on calories.

Fitness secrets I unveiled:
Here are some of the best fitness secrets I discovered through my personal journey:

1. Eggs are very healthy for you. Eat both the yolk and the whites.
2. Put more weights on one side.
3. Drink Milk.
4. Don't always train your biggest muscle first.

How do I stay motivated? I make it a point to weigh myself before and after finishing my workout. Noticing even the tiniest bit of difference can motivate you.

How do you ensure you don’t lose focus? My dad is the biggest inspiration for me.He starts his day early morning with a walk. Seeing him, it was easy for me to get up in the mornings too and head to the gym. You can get inspiration all around you when you have a clear goal set in mind.

What’s the most difficult part of being overweight? You cant do everything to your fullest. As you grow overweight, you tend to lose stamina and energy. I have been very athletic since my school days but that went away with weight troubles. That was the worst change I could see in myself.

What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to be healthy and fit, with no belly fat. I don't want to get super muscular but fit enough for other people to get jealous when they see me in a good shape.

What are the lifestyle changes you made? The biggest change I made was to sleep well. It is the only way to have maximum energy in the mornings to have a good workout. I ensure I get good 7-8 hours of sleep every day without fail.

What was the lowest point for you? In the beginning, the entire weight loss diet and regime got too confusing. There were days when I couldn't figure out what to eat and what not to and thought of quitting.

Lessons learnt from weight loss: This weight loss journey has taught me that anything is possible as long as you are disciplined and have the will to change. Losing 14 kilos in under two months doesn't look so difficult now! It is still a big achievement which I will be proud of all my life.

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