December 20, 2016

Trump cruises to Electoral College victory confirming he will become the 45th US President despite protests

There were many protesters Monday as electoral voters cast their votes Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote Monday — ensuring he will become America's 45th president. An effort by anti-Trump forces to persuade Republican electors to abandon the president-elect came to practically nothing and the process unfolded largely according to its traditions. Trump's polarizing victory Nov. 8 and the fact Democrat Hillary Clinton had won the national popular vote had stirred an intense lobbying effort, but to no avail.

Even one of Trump's fiercest Republican rivals, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, said it was time to get behind the president-elect.
"We want unity, we want love," Kasich said as Ohio's electors voted to back Trump at a statehouse ceremony.
Kasich had refused to endorse Trump saying he was unfit.
Donald Trump took to his twitter page to thank the voters.

He got 304 votes surpassing the 270 votes needed to secure his presidency.

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