A certain prince charming by the name of Dave Hon wrote an entire
article on why he was unlikely to date a feminist in a column titled Why
I'll Never Date A Feminist. His piece went viral and going by the
responses it received, feminists aren't keen to jump into bed with him
either. See the article and responses below.
If you look for a reason to hate men, chances are you’re going to find it. The truth is, I don’t blame women, (especially in my generation) for hating men. They’ve been told there’s a wage gap (I disagree).That there’s a culture of rape on college campuses (I also disagree). And the patriarchy is keeping them oppressed in almost every facet of their lives (I really, really disagree.)
Political issues have been creeping into the bedroom. Now, they’re in romance. Because of the hateful culture, men are now demanding "consent texts" on campus before engaging in raunchy, post-party one night stands. Men’s Rights Activists have taken flight with a new philosophy called "Red Pill" which aims to point out how derogatory, hypocritical and vindictive third-wave feminists can be.
No doubt, there are men who should be buried underneath the prison.
There’s plenty of examples of how the justice system has failed victims.
But, it also fails men. The Father’s Rights Movement reports that only
14 percent of custodial parents are fathers. Mothers are more likely to
be awarded child support. Women are more likely to graduate college,
they live longer, are less likely to die in the workplace, less likely
to go to prison and extremely less likely to die in war-time combat.
When it comes to dating, I don’t care about any of that. Unless you do.
I used to think dating across the political aisle was not only possible,
but practical. Hell, if James Carville and Mary Matalin can get along, I
can date someone who thinks my genitals automatically give me
privileges that they don’t have, right?
People who are more loyal to their gender and not their significant
other don’t make good partners. They will always look at you as
inherently more fortunate than them. They’ve bought into the “battle of
the sexes” mentality and it often pervades their perceptions of romance.
Romance turns into a power struggle rather than a partnership.
There are complex advantages and disadvantages to being a man or a woman
in America. No doubt, men enjoy privileges that women don’t but that
boat goes both ways.
The truth is, these aren’t political issues, but deeply personal ones.
Often times, anti-male or anti-female rhetoric is rooted in a previous
bad experience. They’re cultural opinions that reflect our world views,
and thusly, affect how we want to raise our families. Now that America
is more politically divided than ever, it’s impossible to date someone
with staunchly different ideals than you.
It’s a shame, really, that this divide is widening between the sexes.
It’s evident that gender politics is hurting our culture. More marriages
are failing and women are reporting that they’re unhappier now than
Perhaps in several decades this won’t be the case. Maybe one day, men
and women will stop trying to eliminate the lines between us and realize
it’s the differences between the sexes that make romance, family and
love an enjoyable experience.
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